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Sarah Walter
May 19, 2020 | Sarah Walter

Win a Weekend at The Guest House


- a beautiful oasis on the westside of Paso Robles -
up to 6 guests
dates to be mutually agreed upon
Valued at $1000!

We  want  to  know  what abundance means  to  you!


Choose any photo that represents abundance to you.
Post on Instagram and tag @copiavineyards
We'll pick one winner for the ultimate getaway!
You can post as often as you like for one week.
One winner will be picked in next week's email on 5/26!

Questions? Email Sarah! 
Time Posted: May 19, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to Win a Weekend at The Guest House Permalink
Anita Sahi
May 19, 2020 | Anita Sahi

What Does Abundance Mean To You?

Enter for your chance to win: Read below!

Hi Friends,

Sometimes life can give you lessons of humiliation in tiny doses. Maybe you only got to second place in your 2nd grade spelling bee (true story). Other times, life can literally bring you to your knees. Maybe, due to circumstances outside of your control, you had to leave almost everything and everyone you knew behind (also a true story). One day, we'll sit down with you and tell you all about it ...
"The world breaks everyone and afterward
many are strong at the broken places."
- Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

Knowing that you are small in the grand scheme of things allows for appreciation of life's lessons. And if you get through it, you learn resilience. Without our own experiences, we would never have been able to take the risks and leaps to reach what is now Copia Vineyards. 

People often ask us, "What does Copia mean?" Copia (Cōpia) is from Latin meaning abundance. It's such a powerful word. What better way to encapsulate the sheer feeling of fullness that takes its residence in our hearts. We're always saying that life's path is winding and we're glad it led us here. When we arrived on this property in 2017, we couldn't help but be consumed by the ample sense of home. So, Copia is home to us. 
And now, we want to spread the wealth of this good, good feeling!
We  want  to  know  what ABUNDANCE means  to  you.
Choose any photo that represents abundance to you. Post on Instagram and tag @copiavineyards
We'll pick one winner for the ultimate getaway:



- a beautiful oasis on the westside of Paso Robles -
up to 6 guests
dates to be mutually agreed upon
Valued at $1000!

You can post as often as you like for one week.
One winner will be picked in next week's email on 5/26!

Happy posting! In the meantime, Curbside Pick-Up, Local Delivery and $1 Shipping Special continues as we shelter in place. See below for more details. Email or call (805) 835-6094 with any questions!

Anita Sahi

A picture of abundance:
One year old plantings
at Copia Vineyards

May 17, 2020


Post of photo that represents ABUNDANCE for you and tag @copiavineyards





Go online (select "pick up" or shipping option at checkout)
Call/Text (805.710.7222) or email Sarah 
Click here for more info


Time Posted: May 19, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to What Does Abundance Mean To You? Permalink
Anita Sahi
May 12, 2020 | Anita Sahi

The Little Things

Hello Everyone,

Down the rabbit hole we all went back in March. Just like Lewis Carroll's Alice, you could say that it has been an Adventure in Wonderland, with all it's complexities, dramas and strangeness. Back in March, I'm sure a lot of us were wary of mandatory sheltering. Then in April, if you didn't have to seek medical help, you might have felt gratitude for just being healthy. And now in May, dare we try to be cautiously optimistic? To some, it may feel too soon. To others, it may not be soon enough.

This "downtime" is difficult, but it doesn't come without feeling transformed somehow. It's been the little things during this time that feel like blessings. Little reflections. Little activities. Little lessons. We learn how to just "be" in the same space at the same time as our significant other. We can gain an appreciation for the things that the other person does throughout his or her daily life. We share their struggles and relish in their triumphs. Our thoughts become unlocked and free. We share them with each other. We listen to nature uninterrupted and think about our own influence on its cycle and heartbeat. Life is taken slower than before, because we don't have much of a choice, do we? It makes me wonder how many of these "little things" I will want to keep alive in my life after the height of this pandemic passes. Years from now, I suspect I'll look back at this time with a weird sort of nostalgia. I know I'll be forever changed by it and it's not necessarily a bad thing to have life interrupted only to value it more. 

It seems like we're on the cusp of moving to Stage 3 of California's "Resilience Roadmap." We shall see. This last week, we've been discussing how to successfully and safely conduct wine tastings again. On Friday, we joined a Zoom call with around 250 of our peers to learn about where we stand when it comes to reopening. It feels imminent and we are preparing for the eventuality.

Finally, to everyone who has been ill or knows someone who has been affected by COVID-19, we wish you strength and hope that there are some little things that you, too, can hold onto at this time. 


Sarah's Strawberry Bakewell Tart

Pineapple Mint Mojito

This is Little Richard

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Excerpt here: Down the Rabbit-hole

We're continuing our Curbside Pick-Up, Local Delivery and $1 Shipping Special. See below for more details and email or call (805) 835-6094 if there's anything we can do for you.

Anita Sahi

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll (From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)






Go online (select "pick up" or shipping option at checkout)
Or email, call/text Sarah (805-710-7222)

Acquire Wine



Time Posted: May 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to The Little Things Permalink
Anita Sahi
May 5, 2020 | Anita Sahi

Honesty and Hope

Hello Copia Friends and Fam,

When I started sending these emails each week, I told myself that I was going to be one thing above all: Honest. And honestly speaking, I'm getting a little stir crazy. Between stories of killer hornets and sheltering in place for a month-and-a-half, it's been really tough to not see you. It's like the car ride that never ends. There's a sort of feeling out there right now, a collective itch, if you will, of people waiting and wondering, "Are we there yet?"

I Zoom'ed (it's a verb, now) with my niece in Wisconsin this week. She had her head balanced on one hand while she told me how her college semester has been hijacked by Rona. That, in her charming Gen Z speak, is how she refers to Corona Virus. It's an uncomfortable familiarity that we're all developing with something that we'd just as soon see vanquished forever. Varinder and I trade this frustration back-and-forth, but then we also keep reminding ourselves that this will pass at some point. Tomorrow may not be the same, but it will come, nevertheless. And with each passing day, with hopeful hearts, we'll look forward to reintroducing all the things we enjoy sharing with you, like tastings, events and visits to your hometowns. God-willing, that time will be soon. In the meantime, we'll keep sharing with you, virtually! We're highlighting a wonderful interview with Varinder conducted by Randy Smith of The Wine Write, sharing a recipe for a homestyle chicken dish with a slightly elevated preparation and highlighting some specials we have at the Copia Vineyards store.

We'd also like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Take heart friends, keep hope and definitely stay in touch as you have been. We love hearing from you. 

Roasted Chicken over Root Vegetables

Shop Around Downtown + Copia Store Special

Jukebox Joint

Catching up with Copia by Randy Smith

Email or call (805) 835-6094 if there's anything we can do for you! 

Anita Sahi


This week we're featuring it all!
Thursday, May 7, 2020, 4-7 PM

Need something special for mom? Stocking up your shrinking wine cellar? 
Place your orders anytime & don't forget our store special of 20% off
3 or more bottles!
(Promo Code: COPIA20)

Go online (select "pick up" at checkout)
Or email, call or text Sarah (805-710-7222)



As always, we can deliver locally and ship directly any day!

20% off, an extra 5% for club members, $1 shipping on 3 bottles or more 




Time Posted: May 5, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to Honesty and Hope Permalink
Sarah Walter
May 5, 2020 | Sarah Walter

Copia Curbside | Shop Around Downtown


The Downtown Wineries and businesses are offering curbside service, together on Thursday's, from 4:00 - 7:00pm. You won't even have to leave your vehicle as you can pick up wine, beer, great food, and visit other local businesses!



We're featuring it all!
Thursday - Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Place your orders anytime & don't forget our store special of 20% off
3 or more bottles!
(Promo Code: COPIA20)

Go online (select "pick up" in shipping)
Or email, call or text Sarah (805-710-7222)


As always, we can deliver locally and ship directly any day!

20% off, an extra 5% for club members, $1 shipping on 3 bottles or more
Time Posted: May 5, 2020 at 8:20 AM Permalink to Copia Curbside | Shop Around Downtown Permalink
Anita Sahi
April 28, 2020 | Anita Sahi

Blending in 3D

Hi all,

Is winemaking pretty much the coolest job ever? Kind of.

Yesterday, Varinder and I sat down with Pete Turrone, our trusted consultant, and worked on our 2019 blends. Blending is the process of combining different varietal wines into one seemingly spectacular, better-than-all-of-the-rest wine. The results, for us, netted some crazy good signature blends. What's more - for the first time ever - we'll have some standout vineyard designates when we release these in 2021 (wines that come entirely from one block at one vineyard).

From vine to bottle, wine has always been a great metaphor as it often imitates other aspects of life. Two or more wines come together as a blend. They are all related to each other somehow, yet vastly different in other ways. One adds spice, while the other adds structure. Perhaps one is fruity and the other carries the aromatics. Complexity. Nuance. Balance. Je ne sais quoi. Such is the spice of a multidimensional wine life. 

See where I'm going with this? Each and every person in our lives is different from one another, as well. Individually we are one thing, whole and distinctly ourselves. Together, we are something else, something more, strong.

After our blending session, Varinder said to me, "You and I came together and made those wines. And I'm just in awe and have such pride in that." It could not have been this way if it were only one of us and not the other. Push and pull, up and down, rigid and free - we are happy to welcome all of these dimensions to bring the wine to bottle.

And those of you who have been with us, tried our first and second vintages - you have given us so much inspiration to do more and to do it better. The '18s and '19s in barrel are the culmination of that. Stay tuned in early September, when we share the details of what will be coming.



Our shareables this week all have to do with multiple influences coming together to become one extraordinary thing ...

Whole Wheat Tea Biscuits

2018 Copia Rosé

Game Night

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
Excerpt here

Question: What are you guys eating, listening to or reading? Let us know - we'd love to feature you in an upcoming email: Reply or call (805) 835-6094. 

Anita Sahi

"Like art, revolutions come from combining what exists
into what has never existed before."
-Gloria Steinem



20% off, an extra 5% for club members, $1 shipping on 3 bottles or more

Acquire Wine


Time Posted: Apr 28, 2020 at 11:30 AM Permalink to Blending in 3D Permalink
Anita Sahi
April 21, 2020 | Anita Sahi

All About Sarah

Howdy folks,

There was a time when I (Anita) went on my first "real" interview. It wasn't my first job. It was the first job I really wanted. Years ago, I sat across what felt like a firing squad of Midwest restaurant leaders at Harry Caray's Restaurant Group in Chicago. I'd never sat through a "panel interview" before. They shot out questions about public relations, operations, hospitality and .... The Chicago Cubs (check out their website to know why). I came with all the bravado of being in my young 20s, so I answered everything - right or wrong - with confidence. I was never so scared or exhilarated in my life. I do remember two things replaying in my mind. Call it three things, actually, because I also kept having the frenetic thought of grabbing a giant cocktail after the interview was over. I knew: "#1: These people are completely crazy," and "#2: They are my kind of crazy people."

When you meet "your people," it's a very special moment. We think about that in this time of preparing for whatever the "new normal" is. Back in April 2019, Varinder and I interviewed someone who felt like our kind of person. Backpacker. Gardener. A cook's cook. Dog momma. Nature lover. Partner-in-crime to Sean. And most importantly, Syrah lover. These are all words that describe our hospitality manager, Sarah Boone. Some of you know her and some of you will hopefully meet her soon. She has her hands in just about everything that we do at Copia Vineyards. And whatever we do, we do it together. She works hard at communicating with the community, fulfilling online/phone orders, fostering industry relationships and taking care of any and all club requests. You can train an individual on any number of industry-specific tasks. But you can't train someone to have amazing work ethic, integrity and professionalism. It just has to be inside of you. And more than all that, she's a genuinely kindhearted person. Ever need anything? You can always reach out to us or Sarah.  

And now let's dive in! Sit back and enjoy the culinary, musical and literary stylings of the inimitable Sarah L. Boone.

Sarah's Eats and Drink
Chicken and Chorizo Paella and Copia's The Source

Sarah's Jams

Sarah's Read
The Great Alone: Walking the Pacific Crest Trail by Tim Voors
Excerpt: Read a letter the author wrote to his children here


Incidentally, when I got that job at Harry Caray's, I also received a lot more. It's been a lasting friendship. We're so proud to announce that this year, Harry Caray's became the very first restaurant outside of California to carry Copia wine. Just as soon as people get back to the business of being open, I encourage you all to visit one of their locations for a true taste of Chicago and sports history.

Let's stay connected: Need wine or have a fun story to share of your own?
Drop us note sometime by emailing or calling (805) 835-6094. 

Anita Sahi

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself."
- Oprah Winfrey


20% off, an extra 5% for club members, $1 shipping on 3 bottles or more

Aquire Wine


Wine Shop

Time Posted: Apr 21, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to All About Sarah Permalink
Anita and Varinder Sahi
April 14, 2020 | Anita and Varinder Sahi

Moong-Masoor Dal Tadka | Recipe from Varinder's Mom

There are some recipes that just speak of home and this is one of them. Dal is a term in several Indian languages that refers to dried lentils, legumes and beans. It’s as staple as it gets when it comes to the Indian diet. This version uses husked and split yellow and red lentils. The texture of this dish is soupy, but with a creamier texture than that of a straight broth. We sometimes call it peeli dal – meaning yellow dal – for its obvious golden appearance when finished. Moong-masoor dal is a classic Punjabi comfort food and it can be paired with white basmati rice or fresh rotis (Indian flatbread). These lentils would be mild on their own, but with the tadka or tempering with aromatics, makes it anything but.

View Recipe

Time Posted: Apr 14, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to Moong-Masoor Dal Tadka | Recipe from Varinder's Mom Permalink
Anita and Varinder Sahi
April 14, 2020 | Anita and Varinder Sahi

Getting to the root of it

Hi Friends and Copia Family,

It's true. We're addicted to Masterclass. Have you seen the ads for this app creeping around on your social media profile? We succumbed and subscribed. We are Masterclassing. In all fairness, we have always been thirsty for knowledge in any number of topics. This is just another way to get it. Of course we are both binging on the cooking classes. Egg yolk after egg yolk, we made aioli, remoulade and hollandaise in a matter of two days (thanks, Thomas Keller). But there's also classes on economics, writing and film direction. In fact, it was something Mira Nair said in her film direction class that spurred the topic of this email. She said, "You are not a foreigner to yourself. You come from somewhere. Your roots are strong ... I always believe it's my roots, because my roots are strong, that I can fly." 

In that spirit, we pay respect to our roots and what allows us to fly. Going through the once-in-a-century type of time that we are experiencing now, we recall that our parents have all seen and done a lot in their lifetimes. Collectively, they have lived through the violent partition of a country, civil war, riots, loss of loved ones en masse, migration, learned new languages, joined a new workforce and all the while, attempting to not completely melt into the melting pot of their existence (another line from Mira Nair's class). They have survived, contributed to the mosaic of cultures in the US and have maintained their identity all the while. What's more is they raised us to be strong and fiercely independent individuals.

Who our parents are has directly contributed to who we are. This week, we honor them - our roots - and share a few of their passions.

Varinder's Mom ~ Recipe for Moong-Masoor Dal Tadka
Varinder's Dad ~ The deeply spiritual poem Bulleya Ki Jaana Main Kaun
Anita's Mom ~ An elegant party playlist
Anita's Dad ~ A wine recommendation from our cellar
Sarah's Mum & Dad ~ Scroll down for their tips to stay physically and mentally active

Drop us a line anytime by replying or calling (805) 835-6094. Enjoy and be safe. 

Anita and Varinder Sahi


"Parh parh ilm hazaar kitaaban
qaddi apnay aap nou parhiya naee ..."

"Yes, you have read thousands of books
But you have never tried to read your own self ..."  -Baba Bulleh Shah

Time Posted: Apr 14, 2020 at 11:00 AM Permalink to Getting to the root of it Permalink
Anita and Varinder Sahi
April 7, 2020 | Anita and Varinder Sahi

Balance and Nature


Hello everyone,

The buds are breaking on the vineyard because for the vines, the cycle continues as it always does. That's the thing about nature, isn't it? The sun rises each day and the plants soak it in. The birds are especially active. Quails rapidly walk in their funny line formation. The sparrows and finches are singing while they splash in the pool. The hawks feel a little more freedom in the air. But, then again, they always felt that freedom. 

We are bearing witness to a time that forces reflection and makes you take notice: There is life out there that is seemingly unaffected by the ongoing crisis. Our vineyard tells us that spring is here. As a living, breathing space, it has its own pulse and we feel it. There is an inherent spiritual connection to nature. We breathe in its energy and breathe out gratitude for being allowed to take care of it. 

We'll ask you again: How are all of you? Please feel free to drop us a line about anything at all.

Nature's balance and our connection to it has been our muse this past week. Here's what we cooked, drank, listened to and read to each other.

Cooking and Drinking
Varinder's recipe for Halibut with Saffron Beurre Blanc and Copia's White Blend

Indian Classical/Western Fusion Playlist

"Daffodils" by William Wordsworth

As always, if there is anything that you need, please reach out by replying or calling (805) 835-6094.

Anita and Varinder Sahi

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir


20% off, an extra 5% for club members, $1 shipping on 3 bottles or more


Time Posted: Apr 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM Permalink to Balance and Nature Permalink
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